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Sorry, I have not recorded this yet.
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I love how Will's wife Margaret developed a relationship with her Stokey in-laws. As it turned out, she never met them, but, even at a distance of 3,000 miles, she became a loved member of the family.
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South Hadley
Apr. 27, 1911
My dear children,
Just to think it is over a month since I have had a new daughter and I have not written how delighted I am over it. You know how miserable I have been, and I know you will excuse me. I have thought of you both a great many times but just couldn’t get my thoughts on paper.
I was with Eva just six weeks. Came home Wednesday and am just getting rested after the trip. I think I will soon be all right again.
I enjoyed the letters so much telling about the day. They were so satisfactory. I could see Will getting “fussed”. His description was very amusing. Well I know you are both very happy. I knew Will would make a good husband and would be very happy if he would get the right kind of wife. And I think he has in his dear Margaret. You don’t wonder that I wanted him to get married, do you?
Eva and I laughed about the darning. When she was a little girl and wanted anything darned neatly she would take it to her grandmother Provines, because I couldn’t do it to suit her. Now she is glad to have it done any way. I think Will was only teasing for he is a tease and we all get it when he is around.
Alma has gone to Smith College tonight to a reception given by the new President. There were about thirty from the Faculty from here went. Smith is the largest Woman’s college in the east. The scholarship is not as high as at Mt. Holyoke but there is more style.
I am glad to be here again and think when I get strong enough to do something and to take walks I shall be happy and contented. It seemed so dull when I was here before that I got homesick. Now since I have had a real sick spell I think I will be contented just to have good health. I spent a good part of yesterday and today on the porch. It is so pleasant after being housed [???] up for so long. Eva is coming up to spend the month of June with us. How I wish I could have you and Will and the rest here. I received a letter from Fred a few days ago, and he said he had not heard from Will for a long time and that he was going to write to you if you were going to be the scribe of the family. I hope you may get to know my other dear boy before he goes to Africa and I wish you both knew Mabel. I think you would like her. We are all very fond of her.
I wish Will would write to Mrs. Braden. She would be glad to hear from you too. They are both so fond of Will. I have no doubt he has told you about them.
I must now stop. This is the first letter I have written for a long time, except to Eva to let her know I reached here safely. I think I see Will laugh at this letter. I forgot after I started it that it was for both. You may both laugh. With much love and every good wish from Mother.
Apr. 27, 1911
My dear children,
Just to think it is over a month since I have had a new daughter and I have not written how delighted I am over it. You know how miserable I have been, and I know you will excuse me. I have thought of you both a great many times but just couldn’t get my thoughts on paper.
I was with Eva just six weeks. Came home Wednesday and am just getting rested after the trip. I think I will soon be all right again.
I enjoyed the letters so much telling about the day. They were so satisfactory. I could see Will getting “fussed”. His description was very amusing. Well I know you are both very happy. I knew Will would make a good husband and would be very happy if he would get the right kind of wife. And I think he has in his dear Margaret. You don’t wonder that I wanted him to get married, do you?
Eva and I laughed about the darning. When she was a little girl and wanted anything darned neatly she would take it to her grandmother Provines, because I couldn’t do it to suit her. Now she is glad to have it done any way. I think Will was only teasing for he is a tease and we all get it when he is around.
Alma has gone to Smith College tonight to a reception given by the new President. There were about thirty from the Faculty from here went. Smith is the largest Woman’s college in the east. The scholarship is not as high as at Mt. Holyoke but there is more style.
I am glad to be here again and think when I get strong enough to do something and to take walks I shall be happy and contented. It seemed so dull when I was here before that I got homesick. Now since I have had a real sick spell I think I will be contented just to have good health. I spent a good part of yesterday and today on the porch. It is so pleasant after being housed [???] up for so long. Eva is coming up to spend the month of June with us. How I wish I could have you and Will and the rest here. I received a letter from Fred a few days ago, and he said he had not heard from Will for a long time and that he was going to write to you if you were going to be the scribe of the family. I hope you may get to know my other dear boy before he goes to Africa and I wish you both knew Mabel. I think you would like her. We are all very fond of her.
I wish Will would write to Mrs. Braden. She would be glad to hear from you too. They are both so fond of Will. I have no doubt he has told you about them.
I must now stop. This is the first letter I have written for a long time, except to Eva to let her know I reached here safely. I think I see Will laugh at this letter. I forgot after I started it that it was for both. You may both laugh. With much love and every good wish from Mother.
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Hotel Normandie:
249 9th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
The San Francisco Hotel Normandie doesn’t get as much Internet space as the Hotel Normandie in other places. Washington.edu says:
The Hotel Normandie was built soon after the devastating San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 04/18/1906. It was loosely patterned on Italian Renaissance palazzi.
You know how miserable I have been
This seems to be about her illness - the one that Laura was helping with when Mama Margaret was staying with Laura in Ohio.
Eva and I laughed about the darning. When she was a little girl and wanted anything darned neatly she would take it to her grandmother Provines, because I couldn’t do it to suit her. Now she is glad to have it done any way. I think Will was only teasing for he is a tease and we all get it when he is around.
This is in response to what Margaret said in
I was quite amused last night, I was getting Will’s cloths ready for him to put on this morning. I had darned his hose, he looked at them very carefully and said you did very well but you should see the way Mother can darn it’s so even and smooth, so you see I must improve on my darning.
Alma has gone to Smith College tonight to a reception given by the new President.
Wikipedia says:
Marion LeRoy Burton (August 30, 1874 – February 18, 1925) was the second president of Smith College, serving from 1910 to 1917. He left Smith to become president of the University of Minnesota from 1917 to 1920.
Why did the president have to be a man?
I am glad to be here again and think when I get strong enough to do something and to take walks I shall be happy and contented.
I don’t know exactly what Mama Margaret’s illness was about, but here’s something from her 11/13/1910 letter to Will, which I had not uploaded when I uploaded this letter. (By the time you're looking at this, I may well have uploaded it and then forgotten to remove this note.)
I was surprised and pleased to receive another check so soon. It will help me out on my doctor bill, so I thank you very much for it. My ear is about well and my hearing as good as it has been for a few years. I don’t hear as well as I did when you and the rest of the children were small, but I don’t think the noise ever bothered me much.
I wish Will would write to Mrs. Braden.
The Bradens have their own non-family page on this website. Both the Stokeys and the Bradens had left Canton, but the families still kept in touch.
No mention of Frank Evans. He did not have the drive to insert himself into the Stokey family that Margaret (that is, Will's wife Margaret) had.
Hotel Normandie:
249 9th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
The San Francisco Hotel Normandie doesn’t get as much Internet space as the Hotel Normandie in other places. Washington.edu says:
The Hotel Normandie was built soon after the devastating San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 04/18/1906. It was loosely patterned on Italian Renaissance palazzi.
You know how miserable I have been
This seems to be about her illness - the one that Laura was helping with when Mama Margaret was staying with Laura in Ohio.
Eva and I laughed about the darning. When she was a little girl and wanted anything darned neatly she would take it to her grandmother Provines, because I couldn’t do it to suit her. Now she is glad to have it done any way. I think Will was only teasing for he is a tease and we all get it when he is around.
This is in response to what Margaret said in
I was quite amused last night, I was getting Will’s cloths ready for him to put on this morning. I had darned his hose, he looked at them very carefully and said you did very well but you should see the way Mother can darn it’s so even and smooth, so you see I must improve on my darning.
Alma has gone to Smith College tonight to a reception given by the new President.
Wikipedia says:
Marion LeRoy Burton (August 30, 1874 – February 18, 1925) was the second president of Smith College, serving from 1910 to 1917. He left Smith to become president of the University of Minnesota from 1917 to 1920.
Why did the president have to be a man?
I am glad to be here again and think when I get strong enough to do something and to take walks I shall be happy and contented.
I don’t know exactly what Mama Margaret’s illness was about, but here’s something from her 11/13/1910 letter to Will, which I had not uploaded when I uploaded this letter. (By the time you're looking at this, I may well have uploaded it and then forgotten to remove this note.)
I was surprised and pleased to receive another check so soon. It will help me out on my doctor bill, so I thank you very much for it. My ear is about well and my hearing as good as it has been for a few years. I don’t hear as well as I did when you and the rest of the children were small, but I don’t think the noise ever bothered me much.
I wish Will would write to Mrs. Braden.
The Bradens have their own non-family page on this website. Both the Stokeys and the Bradens had left Canton, but the families still kept in touch.
No mention of Frank Evans. He did not have the drive to insert himself into the Stokey family that Margaret (that is, Will's wife Margaret) had.
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- WILL: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- ALMA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- FRED: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- EVA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- MARGARET: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- MABEL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
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- DOCUMENTS BY WHERE THEY WERE WRITTEN ----- Western Massachusetts