Grandma Provines: Jane Gracey Provines (1820-1900), Mama Margaret's mother and the maternal grandmother of the Five Stokey Siblings, in front of her home in Canton, Ohio. The not-quite-straight edges of the print suggest that the photo was taken and developed by either Will or Fred. The puffed sleeves suggest that the photo was taken in the mid-1890s. Grandma was a good seamstress. I don't know if she made the dress herself, but it's easy to imagine her taking an interest in the latest fashions.
This photo is listed as "Stokey, Alma Gracey & Lily Love at Oberlinc.1897". It must be Alma on the left and Lily on the right, though Alma in her formal outfit is only vaguely recognizable to me. Alma mentions a friend named Lil several times in her early letters, and I think this Lily Love must be Lil. But why was Alma at Oberlin in 1897? Visiting the college that she hoped someday to attend?
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PICTURES 1890-1899: ---the pictures---related pages~SITE NAVIGATION~