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Jennie Gray was the wife of Andrew Gray, who was the brother of Ann Gray Farmer, who was Kathleen's mother.
Jennie was writing her congratulations on Kathleen's marriage to Will, and I like this:
Well dear we hope Kathleen will be very happy but am sure she will. She is so sensible + would not marry anyone she did not really love.
When a sentence starts with "She is so sensible", I do not expect it to end with a vote for romantic love.
Jennie was writing her congratulations on Kathleen's marriage to Will, and I like this:
Well dear we hope Kathleen will be very happy but am sure she will. She is so sensible + would not marry anyone she did not really love.
When a sentence starts with "She is so sensible", I do not expect it to end with a vote for romantic love.
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My dear Annie
It’s so long since I wrote you, I feel awfully guilty, but never mind please forgive me. Well dear we hope Kathleen will be very happy but am sure she will. She is so sensible + would not marry anyone she did not really love. We received the paper with the report. Am quite sure she must have looked sweet in her wedding dress. You must miss her very much. For a long time we did not receive a letter from you + could not think the reason, I had a strange feeling you might pop in on us as a surprise, something seemed to tell me you were coming home. I only wish it might be. It would be so nice to have you near us again, surely Will could get a good berth now at home.
We lead a very rushing life now Andre’s Collector and Assessor for the Income Tax as well as Poor Rate so we are always Money hunting [???] it keeps us both always working it’s a perfect rush. The Town Band has closed down the duration of the War, all the members of course are joined up, but Andre has done with music he will not take it over again in fact he would not have the time to do it. I think a busy life suits us. We are both wonderfully well I don’t think ever better. The War is indeed terrible but we have each confidence of winning knowing we are in the right. Things look very promising now but will take time. We have been very scared with Zepps lately 2 were right over 7oaks last week dropped bombs quite near. I heard about ½ a dozen explode. The Zepps made an awful noise like traction [???] Engine. It’s terrible the darkness in England not a glimmer of light must be seen. It’s quite a performance fixing up the windows. I have put brown paper round the top of mine as well as the Venetian blinds also curtains I draw, so I don’t think they can summons me. We know when a raid is on the Specials come round + shout all lights out then we shiver + shake. The last one they brought 2 down which was splendid just too late to see it our neighbours across the road saw it placially [???] alight and fall. We were at the pictures last night; on coming out the manager told us we should just have time to get home before one but it was a false alarm did we ever think we were going to have to see such times as these. I have no soldiers billeted on me at present. I have had three lots, 4 at a time, every thing I do for them, the last were three who were with me for eight months, it was really too much for me. I thought they would never leave of course all have been under canvas during the summer but will soon be coming in again. I hear 8000 are coming next week + we are to have 10000 during the winter, we are exempt from taking now Andre is Income Tax Assesor but of course if I was pushed I could not refuse to give the poor fellows a bed knowing what they are sacrificing for us, both Mrs. Whynte’s [???] sons are up one has been out in France a long time. It’s awful anxiety for Mothers with sons out there, several smark young 7oaks boys have gone over they just wonder whos will be next, we are thankful our boys are not out there but of course they are doing their bit and if they want them they will go, Bert’s Band was out in France the beginning of the year they were up near the firing line + had several times to run for cover. They expect to go shortly, they are all out in turn.
We have had all the grandchildren here this summer. Alex and the other [illegible] have just gone back after being here 2 months. I like the girls to be together as much as possible they agree so well which they say is unusual in [illegible - twins maybe?]. Bert’s little boy is a darling, he was 2 years last July, he + his nurse was here for a week, his name is Gordon. Ray’s last was 12 months old on the 9th of March, he is called Andrew. I think Ray and Dill [???] have quite enough with the four, but of course Jennie is ours. She is getting a fine girl and will be eight on the 11th Nov, she goes to school + is getting on very well. We have not put her seriously to music yet but she knows her notes + can play scales a little, Alex is doing well with her music. She has lessons and Ray is particular about her practise, we are thinking of spending a week with them shortly also one with Bert, we usually spend our holiday at Ramsgate but don’t think it’s very safe just now but we must have a little change all work + no play won’t do. I expect Kathleen is very busy getting her home straight but am sure she will have one to be proud of. Miss Andrews still lives next door. She is awfully good to the soldiers every week she forwards 2 or 3 parcels to them, which costs at least 10p each. She is so kind [???] We often go to the pictures, + if the [illegible] comes will certainly go to see it. Now dear I must close. Hope Will is fit. I will post you the dispatch to-morrow + we will see if it reaches you, you might let me know.
Much love to all,
Monday Oct 2nd
I had just finished the enclosed when the shout all lights out went, another raid. I did not get to bed till 3 A.M. They have done for another Zepp we had a good view of it falling, + heard the bombs distinctly. It’s very terrifying, I hope there is more than one down. There is not much known here yet, it was still on when going to [illegible] I think I should stay in Savannah, you are safer. Love
My dear Annie
It’s so long since I wrote you, I feel awfully guilty, but never mind please forgive me. Well dear we hope Kathleen will be very happy but am sure she will. She is so sensible + would not marry anyone she did not really love. We received the paper with the report. Am quite sure she must have looked sweet in her wedding dress. You must miss her very much. For a long time we did not receive a letter from you + could not think the reason, I had a strange feeling you might pop in on us as a surprise, something seemed to tell me you were coming home. I only wish it might be. It would be so nice to have you near us again, surely Will could get a good berth now at home.
We lead a very rushing life now Andre’s Collector and Assessor for the Income Tax as well as Poor Rate so we are always Money hunting [???] it keeps us both always working it’s a perfect rush. The Town Band has closed down the duration of the War, all the members of course are joined up, but Andre has done with music he will not take it over again in fact he would not have the time to do it. I think a busy life suits us. We are both wonderfully well I don’t think ever better. The War is indeed terrible but we have each confidence of winning knowing we are in the right. Things look very promising now but will take time. We have been very scared with Zepps lately 2 were right over 7oaks last week dropped bombs quite near. I heard about ½ a dozen explode. The Zepps made an awful noise like traction [???] Engine. It’s terrible the darkness in England not a glimmer of light must be seen. It’s quite a performance fixing up the windows. I have put brown paper round the top of mine as well as the Venetian blinds also curtains I draw, so I don’t think they can summons me. We know when a raid is on the Specials come round + shout all lights out then we shiver + shake. The last one they brought 2 down which was splendid just too late to see it our neighbours across the road saw it placially [???] alight and fall. We were at the pictures last night; on coming out the manager told us we should just have time to get home before one but it was a false alarm did we ever think we were going to have to see such times as these. I have no soldiers billeted on me at present. I have had three lots, 4 at a time, every thing I do for them, the last were three who were with me for eight months, it was really too much for me. I thought they would never leave of course all have been under canvas during the summer but will soon be coming in again. I hear 8000 are coming next week + we are to have 10000 during the winter, we are exempt from taking now Andre is Income Tax Assesor but of course if I was pushed I could not refuse to give the poor fellows a bed knowing what they are sacrificing for us, both Mrs. Whynte’s [???] sons are up one has been out in France a long time. It’s awful anxiety for Mothers with sons out there, several smark young 7oaks boys have gone over they just wonder whos will be next, we are thankful our boys are not out there but of course they are doing their bit and if they want them they will go, Bert’s Band was out in France the beginning of the year they were up near the firing line + had several times to run for cover. They expect to go shortly, they are all out in turn.
We have had all the grandchildren here this summer. Alex and the other [illegible] have just gone back after being here 2 months. I like the girls to be together as much as possible they agree so well which they say is unusual in [illegible - twins maybe?]. Bert’s little boy is a darling, he was 2 years last July, he + his nurse was here for a week, his name is Gordon. Ray’s last was 12 months old on the 9th of March, he is called Andrew. I think Ray and Dill [???] have quite enough with the four, but of course Jennie is ours. She is getting a fine girl and will be eight on the 11th Nov, she goes to school + is getting on very well. We have not put her seriously to music yet but she knows her notes + can play scales a little, Alex is doing well with her music. She has lessons and Ray is particular about her practise, we are thinking of spending a week with them shortly also one with Bert, we usually spend our holiday at Ramsgate but don’t think it’s very safe just now but we must have a little change all work + no play won’t do. I expect Kathleen is very busy getting her home straight but am sure she will have one to be proud of. Miss Andrews still lives next door. She is awfully good to the soldiers every week she forwards 2 or 3 parcels to them, which costs at least 10p each. She is so kind [???] We often go to the pictures, + if the [illegible] comes will certainly go to see it. Now dear I must close. Hope Will is fit. I will post you the dispatch to-morrow + we will see if it reaches you, you might let me know.
Much love to all,
Monday Oct 2nd
I had just finished the enclosed when the shout all lights out went, another raid. I did not get to bed till 3 A.M. They have done for another Zepp we had a good view of it falling, + heard the bombs distinctly. It’s very terrifying, I hope there is more than one down. There is not much known here yet, it was still on when going to [illegible] I think I should stay in Savannah, you are safer. Love
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The War is indeed terrible but we have each confidence of winning knowing we are in the right.
It must have been strange to be English and in living in Savannah, and to hear about the war at home in England. When I read about World War I in books, it's all about the trenches, but when I read about World War I in these letters (which, granted, were written far from the trenches), it's all about the Zeppelins. It must have been so weird for the people in England - such a new and dreadful concept.
It would be so nice to have you near us again, surely Will could get a good berth now at home.
The Will in question is Kathleen's father, whom I call WJ to distinguish him from Will Stokey. But WJ, even though he went back to England for visits, preferred to remain in Savannah.
Andre has done with music
So music runs in the Gray family.
The handwriting in this letter makes me think that the following was written by Jennie:
The War is indeed terrible but we have each confidence of winning knowing we are in the right.
It must have been strange to be English and in living in Savannah, and to hear about the war at home in England. When I read about World War I in books, it's all about the trenches, but when I read about World War I in these letters (which, granted, were written far from the trenches), it's all about the Zeppelins. It must have been so weird for the people in England - such a new and dreadful concept.
It would be so nice to have you near us again, surely Will could get a good berth now at home.
The Will in question is Kathleen's father, whom I call WJ to distinguish him from Will Stokey. But WJ, even though he went back to England for visits, preferred to remain in Savannah.
Andre has done with music
So music runs in the Gray family.
The handwriting in this letter makes me think that the following was written by Jennie:
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- FARMERS & GRAYS: DOCUMENTS ----- Annie and the Grays
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