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Such a nice letter from Fred's first mother-in-law! She and her husband had retired from missionary life and were living in Florida. Fred had written to tell her of his engagement to Sibyl.
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Eau Gallie Fla. Mar 11-1928
Dear Fred -
To say that I was surprised on getting your letter is putting it mildly. I didn’t even recognize the handwriting on the envelope. I began to speculate at once who it could be from. It surely made me very happy to be remembered, and to get the big piece of news about you directly from your own pen. I had been hearing rumors of it for some time; even via Calif, but I was secretly hoping all the time that it might come direct. Mrs. Webster even sent me Syble’s picture, the light one, from all the different pictures of her, I think I have formed a composite of her in my mind. I have heard lots of fine things said about her too. Miss Minto happened to be here when your letter came, so with her help and your list we were able to figure out the personnel of the An. Meeting group. We had not realized there were so many new ones in the mission. That is a fine picture with a beautiful setting, and we are mighty glad to have it. Strange to say the wk Miss Minto was here we had other letters from Africa, among them one from Elizabeth Read, she was bewailing the fact that she was going to lose her pal. She mentioned your kindness to her, and she felt she was gaining a “brother” which was some comfort. Yes indeed, you and Syble must visit us when you come home on furlough. I see you addressed the letter to Haines City. You had not heard that we are living on the East Coast, when we sold the place So. of Orlando, where you visited us, we moved to Winter Park, lived there 2 yrs, in a rented house, Oct. ‘25 we bought a little home in this place. It was during the boom and Daddy and Ruth were in the Real Estate business. The next yr. Ruth went back to teach in Orlando. And she is still there. Eau Gallie is a small place but beautifully situated on two rivers, Eau Gallie and Indian. And two miles across Indian River and Peninsula is the Atlantic beach. We have a good bridge across the river and a fine road to the beach, just completed, and a new fisheries pier out into the ocean 400 ft, making this quite a mecca for fishermen. Daddy is in a firm that has the exclusive sale of ocean beach lots, so he is over there a good deal, the development is just beginning, I am the Choeffer so I take him over in the morning and come back and he always has a chance to ride home in the evening. We enjoy it here very much and think it is a little cooler here in the summer, as there is generally a good breeze. Frances still lives in HC, Loyd is still employed at the Triangle Filling Station. The tiny baby that rode on a pillow when we went to the picnic + Kissington Springs is now a big husky girl, going to school. She is a bright child and has a wonderfully good disposition. Dick is a fine, manly lad, making a good record in school.
We were all there for a very happy Christmas. Ruth does not get home very often, but was here today, drove down with a friend this P.M. it is about 75 min from Orlando. I’ve surely enjoyed Miss Minto’s visit, she was here 9 days. We talked Africa morning, noon and night, and then didn’t get through. We took her up, by auto, to Orlando on Fri. went on to Maitland and spent the day with Cammacks. In the P.M. at 4 oclk we went to visit Ruth after her school was out, then we took her to visit an Evanston, Ill. friend, where we left her, she took the train that night for Atlanta. We went and spent the night with Daddy’s sister, Mrs. Hime [???], who lives near Orlando, the other sister has gone to live in Calif. On Sat, we came home, Miss Minto has the promise of money for a new Ford car, to take out with her. She has two weeks speaking in Ohio, this month. She expects to start for Portugal about the 1st of June. Dr. Hollenbeck has gone to Calif. we hear, so do not expect him in Fla. this time, Dr. Bower is somewhere in Fla, but we do not know where, will try to find out. We are right on the Dixie highway, half way between Jacksonville and Miami. When Miss Minto was here we went thro’ all the African photographs I gave her a good many duplicates. I have lost all my old negatives. I was thinking of you on Mabel’s birthday and you were writing me a letter. Very soon will be another anniversary. I am glad you are to have a home at last. Poor, dear Mabel was too ill take care of the home she so longed for. Now that you are getting into the habit of writing I hope you will keep it up, let us hear when the event is to take place. Will it be at the Fort? How well I remember that trip to the Fort in Bie, and the jokes you children had on me. Did you ever get your suitcase? That was a clever pun of Mr. Ennis’es.
I had a Christmas note from Alma, I’m always sure of one at that time.
With love, best wishes and congratulations from Daddy and me.
As ever
Dear Fred -
To say that I was surprised on getting your letter is putting it mildly. I didn’t even recognize the handwriting on the envelope. I began to speculate at once who it could be from. It surely made me very happy to be remembered, and to get the big piece of news about you directly from your own pen. I had been hearing rumors of it for some time; even via Calif, but I was secretly hoping all the time that it might come direct. Mrs. Webster even sent me Syble’s picture, the light one, from all the different pictures of her, I think I have formed a composite of her in my mind. I have heard lots of fine things said about her too. Miss Minto happened to be here when your letter came, so with her help and your list we were able to figure out the personnel of the An. Meeting group. We had not realized there were so many new ones in the mission. That is a fine picture with a beautiful setting, and we are mighty glad to have it. Strange to say the wk Miss Minto was here we had other letters from Africa, among them one from Elizabeth Read, she was bewailing the fact that she was going to lose her pal. She mentioned your kindness to her, and she felt she was gaining a “brother” which was some comfort. Yes indeed, you and Syble must visit us when you come home on furlough. I see you addressed the letter to Haines City. You had not heard that we are living on the East Coast, when we sold the place So. of Orlando, where you visited us, we moved to Winter Park, lived there 2 yrs, in a rented house, Oct. ‘25 we bought a little home in this place. It was during the boom and Daddy and Ruth were in the Real Estate business. The next yr. Ruth went back to teach in Orlando. And she is still there. Eau Gallie is a small place but beautifully situated on two rivers, Eau Gallie and Indian. And two miles across Indian River and Peninsula is the Atlantic beach. We have a good bridge across the river and a fine road to the beach, just completed, and a new fisheries pier out into the ocean 400 ft, making this quite a mecca for fishermen. Daddy is in a firm that has the exclusive sale of ocean beach lots, so he is over there a good deal, the development is just beginning, I am the Choeffer so I take him over in the morning and come back and he always has a chance to ride home in the evening. We enjoy it here very much and think it is a little cooler here in the summer, as there is generally a good breeze. Frances still lives in HC, Loyd is still employed at the Triangle Filling Station. The tiny baby that rode on a pillow when we went to the picnic + Kissington Springs is now a big husky girl, going to school. She is a bright child and has a wonderfully good disposition. Dick is a fine, manly lad, making a good record in school.
We were all there for a very happy Christmas. Ruth does not get home very often, but was here today, drove down with a friend this P.M. it is about 75 min from Orlando. I’ve surely enjoyed Miss Minto’s visit, she was here 9 days. We talked Africa morning, noon and night, and then didn’t get through. We took her up, by auto, to Orlando on Fri. went on to Maitland and spent the day with Cammacks. In the P.M. at 4 oclk we went to visit Ruth after her school was out, then we took her to visit an Evanston, Ill. friend, where we left her, she took the train that night for Atlanta. We went and spent the night with Daddy’s sister, Mrs. Hime [???], who lives near Orlando, the other sister has gone to live in Calif. On Sat, we came home, Miss Minto has the promise of money for a new Ford car, to take out with her. She has two weeks speaking in Ohio, this month. She expects to start for Portugal about the 1st of June. Dr. Hollenbeck has gone to Calif. we hear, so do not expect him in Fla. this time, Dr. Bower is somewhere in Fla, but we do not know where, will try to find out. We are right on the Dixie highway, half way between Jacksonville and Miami. When Miss Minto was here we went thro’ all the African photographs I gave her a good many duplicates. I have lost all my old negatives. I was thinking of you on Mabel’s birthday and you were writing me a letter. Very soon will be another anniversary. I am glad you are to have a home at last. Poor, dear Mabel was too ill take care of the home she so longed for. Now that you are getting into the habit of writing I hope you will keep it up, let us hear when the event is to take place. Will it be at the Fort? How well I remember that trip to the Fort in Bie, and the jokes you children had on me. Did you ever get your suitcase? That was a clever pun of Mr. Ennis’es.
I had a Christmas note from Alma, I’m always sure of one at that time.
With love, best wishes and congratulations from Daddy and me.
As ever
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Eau Gallie Fla. Mar 11-1928
Wikipedia says:
Eau Gallie (/ˌoʊˈɡæli/) is a section of the city of Melbourne, Florida, located on the city's northern side. It was an independent city in Brevard County from 1860 until 1969.
In 1920, the population had increased to about 500 people, nearly the same as adjacent Melbourne.
You had not heard that we are living on the East Coast, when we sold the place So. of Orlando, where you visited us, we moved to Winter Park, lived there 2 yrs, in a rented house, Oct. ‘25 we bought a little home in this place.
Fred's visit that Emma is talking about is the one when he got the news that he was approved to go back to Africa.
Frances still lives in HC, Loyd is still employed at the Triangle Filling Station.
Frances was the daughter who got married in 1916, and Loyd Shaw was her husband. They lived in Hudson, Illinois, so HC must be Hudson City.
I’ve surely enjoyed Miss Minto’s visit, she was here 9 days. We talked Africa morning, noon and night, and then didn’t get through.
This reminds me of a letter that Mrs. Woodside wrote to Fred in 1918, when Mr. Woodside was about to retire. We don't have the letter, but Fred showed it to Alma, who wrote to Eva about it:
Mrs. Woodside has bought a place in Florida and they will probably go there to live. She says it is more like Africa than any place she has been.
I was thinking of you on Mabel’s birthday
January 12.
Eau Gallie Fla. Mar 11-1928
Wikipedia says:
Eau Gallie (/ˌoʊˈɡæli/) is a section of the city of Melbourne, Florida, located on the city's northern side. It was an independent city in Brevard County from 1860 until 1969.
In 1920, the population had increased to about 500 people, nearly the same as adjacent Melbourne.
You had not heard that we are living on the East Coast, when we sold the place So. of Orlando, where you visited us, we moved to Winter Park, lived there 2 yrs, in a rented house, Oct. ‘25 we bought a little home in this place.
Fred's visit that Emma is talking about is the one when he got the news that he was approved to go back to Africa.
Frances still lives in HC, Loyd is still employed at the Triangle Filling Station.
Frances was the daughter who got married in 1916, and Loyd Shaw was her husband. They lived in Hudson, Illinois, so HC must be Hudson City.
I’ve surely enjoyed Miss Minto’s visit, she was here 9 days. We talked Africa morning, noon and night, and then didn’t get through.
This reminds me of a letter that Mrs. Woodside wrote to Fred in 1918, when Mr. Woodside was about to retire. We don't have the letter, but Fred showed it to Alma, who wrote to Eva about it:
Mrs. Woodside has bought a place in Florida and they will probably go there to live. She says it is more like Africa than any place she has been.
I was thinking of you on Mabel’s birthday
January 12.
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- ALMA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- FRED: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- MABEL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- SIBYL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
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