I remember hearing in the 1970s about the letter from Irene Kanouff. It sounded interesting to me. What I didn't realize at the time was that we shouldn't be on speaking terms with these Stokeys because of the Great Divorce, when Papa Charles enlisted his sisters to help him to try (unsuccessfully) to browbeat Mama Margaret into signing a confession that everything that ever happened since the beginning of time was all Mama Margaret's fault:
But because nobody who remembered the divorce would talk about that, we didn't know it until I read the divorce petition. And apparently Laura was in contact with her father's family, so I guess it's OK. See: 1975-01-10&26 NOTES ABOUT LAURA'S FUNERAL Aside from that, when my third cousin Irene says: There's a lot of genealogical data in someone's possession, if it hasn't been lost or destroyed. I'd love to have it. ...I know exactly how she feels.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kanouff Rt. #1 Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683
Dear Mrs. Lundeen,
Dr. Lora Stokey's housekeeper gave my brother your address.
My brother, Darrell Stokey, and I are doing genealogical research on the Stokey family.
We are hoping that you may be able to help us. We've gotten back as far as Charles Stokey and his wife, Marie Eicher. We have thirteen children listed. One of whom was Charles Fredrick Stokey. I believe he was your grandfather. Charles Fredrick Stokey was a brother to our great-grandfather. We have Charles Fredrick Stokey's father: Charles Stokey, his wife: Marie Eicher.
Do you know if Charles Stokey had a middle name? Also Marie Eicher? What scanty information I've been able to dig up, they were both born in France. Charles 28 Jan. 1811, but I don't know where in France. Marie Eicher was born 4 Aug. 1813, but I don't know where in France. From a letter from one of her daughters I found that Charles Stokey and Marie Eicher were married in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1836, but I don't have a complete date. I have a death date for Charles Stokey 4 April 1872. Again I don't know where. I assume Canton, Ohio, but their records don't go back that far. Also Marie Eicher. I have her death date as 11 August 1891. I don't know where she is buried.
We found that Charles Stokey's mother was Susanne LaClaire, but no one knows his father's name. We haven't been able to find anything on Marie Eicher's parents or family.
I don't have death or marriage dates for any of her children except my great-grandfather, Christopher John Stokey.
Please, if you could help us with any information, we would be most grateful. It is very important to us that we get this information. We will appreciate any help you could give us.
Mrs. Larry Kanouff
P.S. In this letter of Christine Stokey's, it states a cousin of Charles Stokey, his name was John H. Stokey and that Christine's brother, Charles (and that could only be your grandfather) visited him. It seems this John H. Stokey had gone to Europe and aquired a lot of genealogical data from France, Switzerland, and England. There's a lot of genealogical data in someone's possession, if it hasn't been lost or destroyed. I'd love to have it. I hope to hear from you.
1. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kanouff Rt. #1 Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683 Google says Uhrichsville is 35 miles from Canton.
2. Dr. Lora Stokey's housekeeper gave my brother your address. Should be Laura, not Lora. Nice, however, that she included the "Dr." Laura had died in 1974.
3. We've gotten back as far as Charles Stokey and his wife, Marie Eicher. We have thirteen children listed. One of whom was Charles Fredrick Stokey. I believe he was your grandfather. Charles Fredrick Stokey should be Charles Frederick Stokey, because this is Papa Charles, the father of the Five Stokey Siblings.
4. Do you know if Charles Stokey had a middle name? Also Marie Eicher? What scanty information I've been able to dig up, they were both born in France. Charles 28 Jan. 1811, but I don't know where in France. Marie Eicher was born 4 Aug. 1813, but I don't know where in France. From a letter from one of her daughters I found that Charles Stokey and Marie Eicher were married in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1836, but I don't have a complete date. I have a death date for Charles Stokey 4 April 1872. Again I don't know where. I assume Canton, Ohio, but their records don't go back that far. Also Marie Eicher. I have her death date as 11 August 1891. I don't know where she is buried. These are Papa Charles's parents. Barbara has them as Pierre Charles Stokey and Marie Eicher. Barbara matches the dates Irene has, and says that they were both born in Audincourt, Department du Doubs, France and died in Canton, Ohio, and that they were married in Philadelphia on September 9, 1837.
5. We found that Charles Stokey's mother was Susanne LaClaire, but no one knows his father's name. Barbara's got them as Jean Christophe Stokey and Susanne Catherine LeCler/LeClair.
6. In this letter of Christine Stokey's This must be Papa Charles's very much younger sister Christine, born 5/23/1856, died 12/15/1939, from whom, I assume, Eva got her middle name.
7. a cousin of Charles Stokey, his name was John H. Stokey I haven't looked around in Barbara's genealogy for John H. I wouldn't be surprised if the H stood for Henry.