August 1940: Kathleen with Will's and Kathleen's younger son, Eagle Scout Roger.
1942: Will (oldest of the Five Stokey Siblings), AG (daughter of Fred, the middle sibling), Eva (youngest sibling), and Alma (#2 sibling) at Woods Hole. And one of the many Stokey cats.
1946: Maggie (Will's older daughter) with her son Peter, age 4 weeks
January 26, 1948, in Cambridge, Massachusetts: Laura, Eva, Fred, and Alma. My guess is that this pictures was taken at the Continental Hotel, where the reception was held.
Fernback, July 1949: Bill (Will's and Kathleen's older son) and his first child, Barbara
Passing the baby around:
Fernbank on Sunday, September 25, 1949: Betsy with her grandfather, Will, and her parents, Roger and Edie
Also Fernbank: Betsy with her cousin AG and her great-uncle Fred.
Vagabond House: Betsy with Glady.
Another picture from the same weekend. AG's dress is the same as in the picture with her father and Betsy. And I really don't think Edie is picking her nose. But it's a good picture of Fernbank.
Fernbank in the back. It was with another picture that was taken in 1949.