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There's going to be a Stokey family Christmas in Cincinnati - all Five Stokey Siblings plus Mama Margaret!
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2201, Nelson Ave,
Mt. Auburn,
Cincinnati, O
Nov. 9, 1917
My dear Eva,
I am having a quiet evening as the babes are both in bed and Will has not yet returned from Louisville. He went there yesterday morning and I expect him home tonight.
Now I have to write quite a budget of “Thank yous”. I will [smudged] begin with my own. Thank you very much for the letter and also for the pretty camisole. It is so very dainty and I am so sorry it caused you so much trouble, especially when you are so busy.
Then on Will’s behalf. The picture arrived in perfect condition. There was nothing to pay on it, and we both like it very much indeed. I will try to get Will to write a letter about it.
Margaret was pleased with her letter and card and book. I am sure she will enjoy the Bible Stories + I wanted a book of such stories to read to her and I am very glad she has it.
She had a very happy Birthday. In the afternoon she had a little party, Tom, John, and Nancy. They had a good time playing together and then had ice cream and cake and enjoyed it very much.
I have already written to S. Hadley this evening with a suggestion for Christmas. Will + I would be pleased if all the family could come here + have quite a reunion.
I have mentally arranged the sleeping accommodations and there would be room for everyone, so I hope that you will all be able to come. There will be no chance of our going to Savannah this year as Will cannot get leave.
I left off at this point and now it is Sunday evening. Will arrived at 10.30 on Friday and had had no dinner so he had to be fed!
This afternoon we went for a ride. We had not intended going, but when Will brought Margaret back from Sunday School he left the Buick outside the house this afternoon + when I put Billy out on the porch in his carriage he saw the machine and immediately began to coo and make all sorts of pleased sounds, so that Will said we must go on his account. Billy has one tooth now. It came through about a week ago. He is very lively + energetic. One day I found him on his feet holding on to the side of his crib + now he gets hold of the side of the bath tub + gets up on his feet.
I think I told you that Margaret had a new Sunday School teacher and she is getting to know the Old Testament stories. They seem to have one every Sunday + she is certainly learning more. I hope to be able to read quite a good deal to her this winter when she cannot be outside. We are having very pleasant weather just now and are able to do without the furnace although we use the gas fires.
I am ashamed to confess that I forgot to order the Sentinel for you, however I hope you will soon receive it now.
Margaret is “doing her bit” in war work. One day she came home with a request for stamps which were to be used in some way to help the Belgian children. Another time she wanted scraps as they were going to make pillows for the soldiers, and she was quite willing to contribute some of her own scraps, most valued possessions they were too.
I enclose a pumpkin she brought home. She cut it out + colored it.
Last Tuesday night I went to hear a lecture by Mr. Braithwaite. He gave a short talk at noon and Will went to that. It was a good lecture + well attended.
I will now tell you some of the small child’s latest sayings -
Daddy: If I cut an apple in two, what would you call the pieces?
Margaret: Twins.
Daddy: Are there any nice little girls at the kindergarten?
Margaret: ‘Cept me?
Margaret: (referring to coat closet under the stairs) Did you ever see a closet with a hill ceiling before.
Thank you again very much indeed for all your gifts.
With much love from us all,
Mt. Auburn,
Cincinnati, O
Nov. 9, 1917
My dear Eva,
I am having a quiet evening as the babes are both in bed and Will has not yet returned from Louisville. He went there yesterday morning and I expect him home tonight.
Now I have to write quite a budget of “Thank yous”. I will [smudged] begin with my own. Thank you very much for the letter and also for the pretty camisole. It is so very dainty and I am so sorry it caused you so much trouble, especially when you are so busy.
Then on Will’s behalf. The picture arrived in perfect condition. There was nothing to pay on it, and we both like it very much indeed. I will try to get Will to write a letter about it.
Margaret was pleased with her letter and card and book. I am sure she will enjoy the Bible Stories + I wanted a book of such stories to read to her and I am very glad she has it.
She had a very happy Birthday. In the afternoon she had a little party, Tom, John, and Nancy. They had a good time playing together and then had ice cream and cake and enjoyed it very much.
I have already written to S. Hadley this evening with a suggestion for Christmas. Will + I would be pleased if all the family could come here + have quite a reunion.
I have mentally arranged the sleeping accommodations and there would be room for everyone, so I hope that you will all be able to come. There will be no chance of our going to Savannah this year as Will cannot get leave.
I left off at this point and now it is Sunday evening. Will arrived at 10.30 on Friday and had had no dinner so he had to be fed!
This afternoon we went for a ride. We had not intended going, but when Will brought Margaret back from Sunday School he left the Buick outside the house this afternoon + when I put Billy out on the porch in his carriage he saw the machine and immediately began to coo and make all sorts of pleased sounds, so that Will said we must go on his account. Billy has one tooth now. It came through about a week ago. He is very lively + energetic. One day I found him on his feet holding on to the side of his crib + now he gets hold of the side of the bath tub + gets up on his feet.
I think I told you that Margaret had a new Sunday School teacher and she is getting to know the Old Testament stories. They seem to have one every Sunday + she is certainly learning more. I hope to be able to read quite a good deal to her this winter when she cannot be outside. We are having very pleasant weather just now and are able to do without the furnace although we use the gas fires.
I am ashamed to confess that I forgot to order the Sentinel for you, however I hope you will soon receive it now.
Margaret is “doing her bit” in war work. One day she came home with a request for stamps which were to be used in some way to help the Belgian children. Another time she wanted scraps as they were going to make pillows for the soldiers, and she was quite willing to contribute some of her own scraps, most valued possessions they were too.
I enclose a pumpkin she brought home. She cut it out + colored it.
Last Tuesday night I went to hear a lecture by Mr. Braithwaite. He gave a short talk at noon and Will went to that. It was a good lecture + well attended.
I will now tell you some of the small child’s latest sayings -
Daddy: If I cut an apple in two, what would you call the pieces?
Margaret: Twins.
Daddy: Are there any nice little girls at the kindergarten?
Margaret: ‘Cept me?
Margaret: (referring to coat closet under the stairs) Did you ever see a closet with a hill ceiling before.
Thank you again very much indeed for all your gifts.
With much love from us all,
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I have already written to S. Hadley this evening with a suggestion for Christmas. Will + I would be pleased if all the family could come here + have quite a reunion.
Because of "all the family" I'm including Mama Margaret, Alma, Fred, and Laura as related to this document even though they aren't specifically mentioned.
Thank you again very much indeed for all your gifts.
Will turned 42 on November 3, and Maggie turned 5 on November 7, so Eva sent birthday presents.
Because of "all the family" I'm including Mama Margaret, Alma, Fred, and Laura as related to this document even though they aren't specifically mentioned.
Thank you again very much indeed for all your gifts.
Will turned 42 on November 3, and Maggie turned 5 on November 7, so Eva sent birthday presents.
audio---images---comment---transcript---notes---~LINKS~---site navigation
- WILL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- ALMA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- FRED: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- LAURA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- EVA: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- KATHLEEN: DOCUMENTS ----- Outgoing
(none at the moment)
(none at the moment)
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