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Sorry, I haven't recorded this document yet.
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One of the prettiest commencement exercises held In Kirksvllle in years was that of the American School of Osteopathy on the grassy lawn of Dr.Still's home this morning at nine o'clock. There Is a natural amphitheatre on the north end of the lawn and a speakers platform and graduates platform was erected facing the southwest with seats arranged In Green amphitheatre style In front. The one hundred and fourteen graduates were seated behind the speakers and to the left of the orchestra. A huge flag was unfurled forming a back ground and the large forest trees made a natural roof, a pretty Impressive scene and much In harmony with the thought of the address of the morning.
Smith's Orchestra played several selections followed by a prayer by Dr. B. F. Jones of the Methodist church. Dr. Chas. Still made a short address to the class Introducing Dr. Wm. J. Williamson, pastor of the Third Baptist Church of St. Louis, who spoke for an hour on the general theme of patriotism.
In his opening remarks he quoted the passage of scripture, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you."
Dr. Williamson Is an eloquent speaker and he frequently moved his audience to applause as he spoke of the relation of patriotism and service. He said that one could serve God and his country in his daily work, be that what It may. He said further that the world power of this country began with the declaration of independence for democracy was becoming a world power now, when tyrannies were falling, citing the Turkish empire as an Illustration.
"We are charged with materialism by Europeans," said the speaker, and with some jusitce, but we are changing this very materialism into service God. The ideals of religion are changing wonderfully. The christian Is now a man of action and one doee not have to wear a monk's cowl to serve God. It It one's patriotic duty to Idealize the real. Everybody can serve God his work and the members of this class will be called to do this very thing. I was a student In Kirksvllle eighteen yeara ago, the town was then a straggling village which is now developing into a bustling town with ail of the improvements and advantages.
He charged the graduates to enter their work with the right motives which were to serve God and man.
After the address the' diplomas were delivered by the Old Doctor and the final part of the program was general farewell which was quite touching.
The following were the graduates:
Isabel Ablld, Wakonda, S. D.
Mrs. Susan P. Allen, Canton, Mo.
Mary Edith Ashby, Lucas, la.
Robert Ashcroft, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y.
W. F. Aydelotte, Princeton, Ind.
Eva L. Barger. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Maude F. Barger, Chattanooga.
David Bell, Woodburn, Ky.
Fay Bergin, Kansas City, Mo.
Arthur C. Black, Chllilcothe, O.
J. Wm. Blackmer, Salisbury, N. C.
Fleldin Allen Boulware, Owenboro, Ky.
Mrs. Florence A Boles, Malvern, la.
Albert Field Brown, Mt. Clemens. Michigan
Herbert L. Bucknam, Dubuque, la.
Carson W. Burnham, Woodstock. 0.
Wm. Henry Burton, New Castle, Ind.
Philip P. Cary, East Orange, N. J.
Hiram L. Conkllng, Buffalo, N. Y.
Wm. S. Childs, Delphos, Kas.
Iryln Cockrell, Bozeman, Mont.
Lydia E. Crow. Ord, Nebr.
Ora Daniel, Covania, Calif.
Jerome E. Derek, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Edna Earle, Deer Park, Ont. Can
Ross English, Nodaway, Iowa.
Geo. R. Estes, Olenwood, lowa.
Mrs. Mary M. Ewing, Chicago, Ill.
Ernest M. Eskridge, Hartford, Conn.
Jas. M. Farnum, Holloway, Minn.
Mrs. Nellie Ferry, Mitchell, Ind.
Mrs. Amye M. Floyd, Waxahachie, Texas.
Mrs. Laura B. Givens, Klrksvllle.
Roswell D. Grant, Farley, la.
A C. Greenlee, Ashtabula, 0.
Mrs. Sophia E. Greenlee, Ashtabula.
Millard J. Grieves, Lacon, Ill.
Jno. C. Groenewould, Kankakee, Ill.
Arthur C. Croth, Des Moines, la.
L. L. Haight, Silver City, Mex.
Rhoda Curtis Haley, Denver, Colo.
Chas. L. Hawkes, Red Lodge, Mont.
Clara E. Henke, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Crescense Henke, Brooklyn.
Yene Herbert, Trenton, Mo.
Victor C. Hoefner, New Melle, Mo.
Wm. H. Holcroft, St Marys, 0.
Wells T. Howard, Garland, Mont.
Doran G. Johnson, Ardmore, Okla.
Henry T. Johnson, Marinette, Wls.
Chas. F. Kenney, Mattoon, Ill.
Frank A Kerr, Kansas City, Mo.
Jas. W. Lloyd, Winona, Minn.
Emory M. Lord. Normal, Ill.
Guy B. Lord, Normal, Ill.
Christian G. Luft, Forest, O.
Selden Lyke, Brooklyn, la.
Mrs. Nellie L. Marcy, Columbus, O.
Jas H. Maxfleld, Bloomfield, N. J.
Mrs. Rebecca B. Mayers, Detroit Mich.
Walter Mayes, Jackson, Tenn.
Carolyn Stealy Mayes, Jackson, Tenn.
Harry T. Miller, College Springs, Iowa.
Edgar B. Mitchell, Jonesboro, Tenn.
Kenton B. Moontaw, Waynesboro, Penn.
Mrs. Moomaw, Waynesboro, Penn.
John F. Morrison, Boston, Mass.
Carroll B. Morrow, Philadelphia, Pa.
Louis H. Most, Lead, S. D.
Carrie M. Mundie, Mendota. III.
Edgar C. Murphy, West Lebanon. Ind.
Roy A Northway, Owosso, Mich.
Harry Oglesby, Middletown, 0.
George G. Overfelt., Madison, Mo.
Warren Ownby, Whlttenrlght, Tex.
Eugene F. Pellete, Hutchinson, Kas.
Mary E. Perrett, Takona, S. D.
Mary W. Peery, Tazewell, V'a.
Mrs. Nora Pherlgo, Enderlln, S.D.
Mrs. Estelle Poulter, Porter's Bluff, Texas,
Rollin E. Poulter, Waxahachie, Tex.
Geo. B. Powell, New Castle, Ind.
Allen Z. Prescott, Lincoln, Nebr.
Lucy A. Prlndle, Bon Air, Iowa.
Richard H. Prlndle, Bob Air, Ia.
Huston A Price, Huston Heights, Texas.
Cyrus N. Ray, Frederick.Okla.
Effie Roach, Austin, Texas.
C. W. Rothfuss, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. Bertha Srofe, Martinsville, O.
Frederick Schilling, Cleveland, O.
Grace Shupe, McKeesport. Pa.
Carrie M. Steal, Goshen, Ind.
Laura E. Stokey, St Louis, Mo.
Samuel H. Stover, Cherokee, la.
Henry Sudekum, Nashville, Tenn.
Harry W. Sutton, Camp Point, Ill.
L. J. Swift Grant City, Mo.
Leonard Tabor, Mapleton, Ore.
Media Thompson, Pomeroy, Wash.
Fanny Thoms, Houston. Texas.
Iona C. Twichell, Kent 0.
Mrs. Jessie A Wakeham. St Louis.
Aucher Christian Weber, Gundestup pr Tommerup, Fyn, Denmark.
Burt R. White, Hutchinson, Kas.
Maude G. Williams. Denmark, N.Y.
Norman D. Wilson, Plckney, Mich.
Rose Wlsmer, Larson, Wis.
Eva Young, Beloit Wls.
One of the prettiest commencement exercises held In Kirksvllle in years was that of the American School of Osteopathy on the grassy lawn of Dr.Still's home this morning at nine o'clock. There Is a natural amphitheatre on the north end of the lawn and a speakers platform and graduates platform was erected facing the southwest with seats arranged In Green amphitheatre style In front. The one hundred and fourteen graduates were seated behind the speakers and to the left of the orchestra. A huge flag was unfurled forming a back ground and the large forest trees made a natural roof, a pretty Impressive scene and much In harmony with the thought of the address of the morning.
Smith's Orchestra played several selections followed by a prayer by Dr. B. F. Jones of the Methodist church. Dr. Chas. Still made a short address to the class Introducing Dr. Wm. J. Williamson, pastor of the Third Baptist Church of St. Louis, who spoke for an hour on the general theme of patriotism.
In his opening remarks he quoted the passage of scripture, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you."
Dr. Williamson Is an eloquent speaker and he frequently moved his audience to applause as he spoke of the relation of patriotism and service. He said that one could serve God and his country in his daily work, be that what It may. He said further that the world power of this country began with the declaration of independence for democracy was becoming a world power now, when tyrannies were falling, citing the Turkish empire as an Illustration.
"We are charged with materialism by Europeans," said the speaker, and with some jusitce, but we are changing this very materialism into service God. The ideals of religion are changing wonderfully. The christian Is now a man of action and one doee not have to wear a monk's cowl to serve God. It It one's patriotic duty to Idealize the real. Everybody can serve God his work and the members of this class will be called to do this very thing. I was a student In Kirksvllle eighteen yeara ago, the town was then a straggling village which is now developing into a bustling town with ail of the improvements and advantages.
He charged the graduates to enter their work with the right motives which were to serve God and man.
After the address the' diplomas were delivered by the Old Doctor and the final part of the program was general farewell which was quite touching.
The following were the graduates:
Isabel Ablld, Wakonda, S. D.
Mrs. Susan P. Allen, Canton, Mo.
Mary Edith Ashby, Lucas, la.
Robert Ashcroft, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y.
W. F. Aydelotte, Princeton, Ind.
Eva L. Barger. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Maude F. Barger, Chattanooga.
David Bell, Woodburn, Ky.
Fay Bergin, Kansas City, Mo.
Arthur C. Black, Chllilcothe, O.
J. Wm. Blackmer, Salisbury, N. C.
Fleldin Allen Boulware, Owenboro, Ky.
Mrs. Florence A Boles, Malvern, la.
Albert Field Brown, Mt. Clemens. Michigan
Herbert L. Bucknam, Dubuque, la.
Carson W. Burnham, Woodstock. 0.
Wm. Henry Burton, New Castle, Ind.
Philip P. Cary, East Orange, N. J.
Hiram L. Conkllng, Buffalo, N. Y.
Wm. S. Childs, Delphos, Kas.
Iryln Cockrell, Bozeman, Mont.
Lydia E. Crow. Ord, Nebr.
Ora Daniel, Covania, Calif.
Jerome E. Derek, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Edna Earle, Deer Park, Ont. Can
Ross English, Nodaway, Iowa.
Geo. R. Estes, Olenwood, lowa.
Mrs. Mary M. Ewing, Chicago, Ill.
Ernest M. Eskridge, Hartford, Conn.
Jas. M. Farnum, Holloway, Minn.
Mrs. Nellie Ferry, Mitchell, Ind.
Mrs. Amye M. Floyd, Waxahachie, Texas.
Mrs. Laura B. Givens, Klrksvllle.
Roswell D. Grant, Farley, la.
A C. Greenlee, Ashtabula, 0.
Mrs. Sophia E. Greenlee, Ashtabula.
Millard J. Grieves, Lacon, Ill.
Jno. C. Groenewould, Kankakee, Ill.
Arthur C. Croth, Des Moines, la.
L. L. Haight, Silver City, Mex.
Rhoda Curtis Haley, Denver, Colo.
Chas. L. Hawkes, Red Lodge, Mont.
Clara E. Henke, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Crescense Henke, Brooklyn.
Yene Herbert, Trenton, Mo.
Victor C. Hoefner, New Melle, Mo.
Wm. H. Holcroft, St Marys, 0.
Wells T. Howard, Garland, Mont.
Doran G. Johnson, Ardmore, Okla.
Henry T. Johnson, Marinette, Wls.
Chas. F. Kenney, Mattoon, Ill.
Frank A Kerr, Kansas City, Mo.
Jas. W. Lloyd, Winona, Minn.
Emory M. Lord. Normal, Ill.
Guy B. Lord, Normal, Ill.
Christian G. Luft, Forest, O.
Selden Lyke, Brooklyn, la.
Mrs. Nellie L. Marcy, Columbus, O.
Jas H. Maxfleld, Bloomfield, N. J.
Mrs. Rebecca B. Mayers, Detroit Mich.
Walter Mayes, Jackson, Tenn.
Carolyn Stealy Mayes, Jackson, Tenn.
Harry T. Miller, College Springs, Iowa.
Edgar B. Mitchell, Jonesboro, Tenn.
Kenton B. Moontaw, Waynesboro, Penn.
Mrs. Moomaw, Waynesboro, Penn.
John F. Morrison, Boston, Mass.
Carroll B. Morrow, Philadelphia, Pa.
Louis H. Most, Lead, S. D.
Carrie M. Mundie, Mendota. III.
Edgar C. Murphy, West Lebanon. Ind.
Roy A Northway, Owosso, Mich.
Harry Oglesby, Middletown, 0.
George G. Overfelt., Madison, Mo.
Warren Ownby, Whlttenrlght, Tex.
Eugene F. Pellete, Hutchinson, Kas.
Mary E. Perrett, Takona, S. D.
Mary W. Peery, Tazewell, V'a.
Mrs. Nora Pherlgo, Enderlln, S.D.
Mrs. Estelle Poulter, Porter's Bluff, Texas,
Rollin E. Poulter, Waxahachie, Tex.
Geo. B. Powell, New Castle, Ind.
Allen Z. Prescott, Lincoln, Nebr.
Lucy A. Prlndle, Bon Air, Iowa.
Richard H. Prlndle, Bob Air, Ia.
Huston A Price, Huston Heights, Texas.
Cyrus N. Ray, Frederick.Okla.
Effie Roach, Austin, Texas.
C. W. Rothfuss, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. Bertha Srofe, Martinsville, O.
Frederick Schilling, Cleveland, O.
Grace Shupe, McKeesport. Pa.
Carrie M. Steal, Goshen, Ind.
Laura E. Stokey, St Louis, Mo.
Samuel H. Stover, Cherokee, la.
Henry Sudekum, Nashville, Tenn.
Harry W. Sutton, Camp Point, Ill.
L. J. Swift Grant City, Mo.
Leonard Tabor, Mapleton, Ore.
Media Thompson, Pomeroy, Wash.
Fanny Thoms, Houston. Texas.
Iona C. Twichell, Kent 0.
Mrs. Jessie A Wakeham. St Louis.
Aucher Christian Weber, Gundestup pr Tommerup, Fyn, Denmark.
Burt R. White, Hutchinson, Kas.
Maude G. Williams. Denmark, N.Y.
Norman D. Wilson, Plckney, Mich.
Rose Wlsmer, Larson, Wis.
Eva Young, Beloit Wls.
audio---images---comment---transcript---~NOTES~---links---site navigation
I found this article via newspapers.com, which also provided an OCR transcription, which I have cleaned up. Otherwise you certainly would not see that long list of names in the transcription.
Having cleaned up the long list of names (though no doubt some mistakes remain), I am struck by the number of women there are in the class. Laura was not alone.
Also the religious emphasis of the event - an hour-long speech by a St. Louis minister! - would probably have been very pleasing to Laura.
I see that the list shows Laura as being from St. Louis, which is where she did Deaconess work before going to osteopath school.
I don't think anybody in Laura's family attended the graduation.
Having cleaned up the long list of names (though no doubt some mistakes remain), I am struck by the number of women there are in the class. Laura was not alone.
Also the religious emphasis of the event - an hour-long speech by a St. Louis minister! - would probably have been very pleasing to Laura.
I see that the list shows Laura as being from St. Louis, which is where she did Deaconess work before going to osteopath school.
I don't think anybody in Laura's family attended the graduation.
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(none at the moment)
(none at the moment)
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- DOCUMENTS BY SOURCE ----- newspapers.com