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16-year-old Maggie writes home to 8-year-old Roger. She's very busy!
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Aug 13 - 1929
Dear Roger -
How are you and Theodore getting along? I hear that you went to the Howard. Ahem! Was it a nice picture?
Yesterday Billy and Kathleen, Daddy, Aunt Laura, Aunt Sibyl + her mother and father went to Gay Head. They had a very pleasant trip.
I've been having a grand time with Ruth. Yesterday we had a singing lesson, made candy to sell at the M.B.L. Club tea. I have a job now - about a dollar a day a little less perhaps. Ahem! Look me over!
Tell Mother I'm feeling so fine now I don't know what to do. Pickle rides the bicycle now very well.
Stewart + Ruth + I have been fishing many times. We feed the fish to the seals. They are so cute and playful!
Boris Gorokhoff has 21,000 stamps. A grand collection! We are all going to Provincetown today. Have to get back in time for the chorus practice tonight tho. I think several of our family etc. are coming up tonight. The concert is Saturday night. Mr. Gorokhoff is the best chorus leader in the country! We have a very pretty + well-done program for the concert - I think. I played + sang Sunday for us all + Ruth sang too.
I'm skipping my job this morning to go to Provincetown. But it's all right.
Miss Haynes a roomer here is going with us today.
Help! I'm needed to help make sandwitches.
Please write soon.
P.S. Aunt Sibyl is just fine. You sure would like her. She is so sorry you and Mother aren't here - for then she would have seen the whole family + now she hasn't. Too bad!
We miss you very much.
P.S.S. This is for Mother too.
P.S.S.S. Thank you lots (Mother) for the coat.
P.S.S.S.S. Got cards from Aunt Ruthie.
Dear Roger -
How are you and Theodore getting along? I hear that you went to the Howard. Ahem! Was it a nice picture?
Yesterday Billy and Kathleen, Daddy, Aunt Laura, Aunt Sibyl + her mother and father went to Gay Head. They had a very pleasant trip.
I've been having a grand time with Ruth. Yesterday we had a singing lesson, made candy to sell at the M.B.L. Club tea. I have a job now - about a dollar a day a little less perhaps. Ahem! Look me over!
Tell Mother I'm feeling so fine now I don't know what to do. Pickle rides the bicycle now very well.
Stewart + Ruth + I have been fishing many times. We feed the fish to the seals. They are so cute and playful!
Boris Gorokhoff has 21,000 stamps. A grand collection! We are all going to Provincetown today. Have to get back in time for the chorus practice tonight tho. I think several of our family etc. are coming up tonight. The concert is Saturday night. Mr. Gorokhoff is the best chorus leader in the country! We have a very pretty + well-done program for the concert - I think. I played + sang Sunday for us all + Ruth sang too.
I'm skipping my job this morning to go to Provincetown. But it's all right.
Miss Haynes a roomer here is going with us today.
Help! I'm needed to help make sandwitches.
Please write soon.
P.S. Aunt Sibyl is just fine. You sure would like her. She is so sorry you and Mother aren't here - for then she would have seen the whole family + now she hasn't. Too bad!
We miss you very much.
P.S.S. This is for Mother too.
P.S.S.S. Thank you lots (Mother) for the coat.
P.S.S.S.S. Got cards from Aunt Ruthie.
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Maggie avails herself of the Fernbank stationery. I wonder how many sheets Alma had printed.
Yesterday Billy and Kathleen, Daddy, Aunt Laura, Aunt Sibyl + her mother and father went to Gay Head.
Will mentioned in his letter to Kathleen a couple days earlier that this outing was planned, as well as the Provincetown expedition that Maggie mentions later:
Pickle rides the bicycle now very well.
Pickle was Kay, age 10 at the time.
Stewart + Ruth + I have been fishing many times.
I don't know who Stewart and Ruth were.
Boris Gorokhoff has 21,000 stamps. A grand collection! We are all going to Provincetown today. Have to get back in time for the chorus practice tonight tho. I think several of our family etc. are coming up tonight. The concert is Saturday night. Mr. Gorokhoff is the best chorus leader in the country!
I don't know who Boris Gorokhoff was. I can't find him on the internet. Maggie mentioned him in a previous letter as Boris Tarokhoff, but I have no doubt that there was just one Boris, so I have him in the Non-Family page for Woods Hole folks, hoping to learn more about him.
P.S. Aunt Sibyl is just fine. You sure would like her. She is so sorry you and Mother aren't here - for then she would have seen the whole family + now she hasn't. Too bad!
In later life, Maggie lived in Washington State and didn't come back east. My family lived in Massachusetts. Growing up, I never saw my Aunt Maggie. I heard a little about her, but I didn't meet her. Then, in the 1980s, when my father - Roger - was in his last illness and could barely talk, he wanted to see her. It took us days to understand what he was trying to say. My mother figured it out, and contacted Maggie, and she came to see us. Reading this letter from Maggie to her little brother, with her reassuring him that the new aunt was OK - it brings tears to my eyes.
Maggie avails herself of the Fernbank stationery. I wonder how many sheets Alma had printed.
Yesterday Billy and Kathleen, Daddy, Aunt Laura, Aunt Sibyl + her mother and father went to Gay Head.
Will mentioned in his letter to Kathleen a couple days earlier that this outing was planned, as well as the Provincetown expedition that Maggie mentions later:
Pickle rides the bicycle now very well.
Pickle was Kay, age 10 at the time.
Stewart + Ruth + I have been fishing many times.
I don't know who Stewart and Ruth were.
Boris Gorokhoff has 21,000 stamps. A grand collection! We are all going to Provincetown today. Have to get back in time for the chorus practice tonight tho. I think several of our family etc. are coming up tonight. The concert is Saturday night. Mr. Gorokhoff is the best chorus leader in the country!
I don't know who Boris Gorokhoff was. I can't find him on the internet. Maggie mentioned him in a previous letter as Boris Tarokhoff, but I have no doubt that there was just one Boris, so I have him in the Non-Family page for Woods Hole folks, hoping to learn more about him.
P.S. Aunt Sibyl is just fine. You sure would like her. She is so sorry you and Mother aren't here - for then she would have seen the whole family + now she hasn't. Too bad!
In later life, Maggie lived in Washington State and didn't come back east. My family lived in Massachusetts. Growing up, I never saw my Aunt Maggie. I heard a little about her, but I didn't meet her. Then, in the 1980s, when my father - Roger - was in his last illness and could barely talk, he wanted to see her. It took us days to understand what he was trying to say. My mother figured it out, and contacted Maggie, and she came to see us. Reading this letter from Maggie to her little brother, with her reassuring him that the new aunt was OK - it brings tears to my eyes.
audio---images---comment---transcript---notes---~LINKS~---site navigation
- WILL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- LAURA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- SIBYL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- THE NEXT GENERATION: DOCUMENTS ----- Maggie, Billy, Kay, Roger
- NON-FAMILY: WOODS HOLE FOLKS ----- Boris Gorokhoff or Tarokhoff
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- DOCUMENTS BY WHERE THEY WERE WRITTEN ----- Eastern Massachusetts