WILL'S TIMELINE: ~INTRODUCTION~---timeline---related pages---site navigation
This will be added to as I learn more.
I plan to do timelines for all 12 major characters (5 siblings, 2 parents, and 5 spouses) on this website and maybe more, and then take the important events and put them together for an overview timeline. So far I've done just Will, Alma, Fred, and Laura.
I plan to do timelines for all 12 major characters (5 siblings, 2 parents, and 5 spouses) on this website and maybe more, and then take the important events and put them together for an overview timeline. So far I've done just Will, Alma, Fred, and Laura.
WILL'S TIMELINE: ---introduction---~TIMELINE~---related pages---site navigation
- November 3: William Provines Stokey is born at 7:30 am in Mount Union, Washington Township, Ohio. Papa Charles reports: "A full arc Rainbow was visible in West. Rained later that day."
- Will graduates from Canton High School
- May: Will is certified to teach in the Canton schools.
- June: Will undergoes a physical examination for his West Point application
- April: Will is appointed to the United States Military Academy at West Point, starting in June.
- July: Will's younger brother Fred rides his bicycle from Canton to visit Will at West Point.
- June 13: Will graduates from the West Point, 15th in his class, and becomes a 2nd lieutenant (which is standard) in the artillery.
- August: Will is sent to Cuba by the Army
- July 1: Will is promoted from 2nd lieutenant to 1st lieutenant.
- January 18: Will is transferred to the Army Corps of Engineers as a 2nd lieutenant
- March: Will attends the Engineer School of Application in Washington DC for a year.
- December 12: Will is promoted back to 1st lieutenant.
- April: Will is sent to the Philippines. Apparently he had some fairly serious illness later in the year.
- August: Will returns to the US, and visits Alma in Chicago.
- August 22: Will goes to West Point as an Instructor in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology.
- Will continues teaching at West Point
- August: Will, Alma, Fred, and Eva go on a camping trip together in northern Ohio.
- August: Will is sent to Cuba
- November 15: Will is promoted to captain
- April: Will is assigned to Savannah.
- Summer: Will, on leave, spends some time at the house in Truro, Massachusetts that Alma rented for the family. He likes it. Also during the leave he meets Frank Evans, the fiancé of his sister Eva.
- January: Will is assigned to San Francisco.
- August: Will is sent temporarily to Los Angeles, and meets Sarah Margaret Clarke, known as Margaret.
- October: Will tells his mother that he is engaged to Margaret.
- December: Will goes back to San Francisco, and is stationed there until 1913.
- March 22: Will marries Margaret.
- November 7: Will's and Margaret's daughter Margaret, later called Maggie, is born.
- November 8: Margaret dies.
- February: Mama Margaret comes west from Massachusetts by train to take care of baby Maggie.
- April: Will is assigned to the Washington DC barracks.
- April or May: Mama Margaret takes the train back east with baby Maggie.
- July: Will assists at the 50th Gettysburg Reunion.
- February 28: Will is promoted from captain to major.
- March: Will is sent from Washington DC to Savannah.
- Summer: Will meets the Farmer family at the local Christian Science church. Also, Will buys a Buick.
- June: Will is notified that he is being reassigned to Cincinnati, and immediately proposes to Kathleen Farmer. They are married on June 22, and drive up to Cincinnati in Will's Buick.
- December: Will, Kathleen, and Maggie go back to Savannah for Christmas with Kathleen's family.
- April 19: Will's first son, Billy, is born.
- August 5: Will receives a wartime temparary promotion from major to lieutenant-colonel.
- December: Will can't get leave for Christmas because of World War I, so Mama Margaret and all four of Will's siblings come to Cincinnati for Christmas.
- January 4, 1918: Will receives a wartime tempoary promotion from his wartime temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel to full colonel.
- April: Will is assigned to San Antonio, Texas. Kathleen follows with Maggie and Billy.
- December 13: Will's second daughter is born: Kathleen, later known as Kay.
- June: Will is assigned back to Cincinnati, Ohio.
- July 4: Will returns to his pre-war rank of major from his wartime rank of colonel.
- July 1: Will is promoted to lieutenant-colonel.
- January 27: Will's second son and final child is born: Roger.
- August-September: Will visits Alma while the cottage is being built, and also helps her find lycopodia in the South Hadley area.
- July: Will is assigned to Atlanta, Georgia. Kathleen and the kids go to Woods Hole while Will looks for a home for them all in Atlanta.
- April: Mama Margaret visits Will and his family in Atlanta.
- May: Will's mother dies in Ohio. Will goes to help out and to attend the funeral.
- Summer: Kathleen and the kids go up to Woods Hole for the summer while Will works in Atlanta.
- Summer: Kathleen and the kids go up to Woods Hole for the summer while Will works in Atlanta.
- March 17: Will retires from the army, starting with 5 months of leave.
- August 27: Will's leave is finished and he is fully retired.
- Will is at Fernbank in the summer, and sees all four of his siblings plus his new sister-in-law, Sibyl.
- Will, retired, is promoted from his retirement rank of lieutenant-colonel to the rank of colonel. I think it was an act of congress for everybody.
- Will spends a few month in Texas pursuing, in vain, oil possibilities.
- Fred's wife Sibyl dies, and Will and Kathleen take care of Fred's and Sibyl's daughter Alma Grace for a while.
- All four children, now grown up, come home to Atlanta for Christmas.
- December 14: Will's wife Kathleen dies. Eva moves down to Atlanta to keep house for Will.
- With the US now in World War II, Will is appointed executive officer for the Atlanta civilian defense zone
- With the election of a new mayor (Hartsfield), Will resigns from the Atlanta civilian defense zone outfit.
- Will attends the wedding of his younger son, Roger, to Edie.
- Summer at Fernbank.
- Summer at Fernbank.
- Summer at Fernbank.With World War II over, Will's sons Bill and Roger, along with Roger's wife Edie, spend Christmas in Atlanta with Will and Eva.
- April: Will's daughter Maggie visits him in Atlanta with Will's first grandchild.
- January: Will's younger daughter Kathleen is married in Cambridge. Will's four siblings attend, but he does not. Too much work to go for a few days in the middle winter when he is suffering from Parkinson's disease? I don't know.
- Summer at Fernbank. Will sees the first child of his son Roger.
- December 17: Will dies.
WILL'S TIMELINE: ---introduction---timeline---~RELATED PAGES~---site navigation
WILL'S TIMELINE: ---introduction---timeline---related pages---~SITE NAVIGATION~
- This is the first timeline.