ALMA'S TIMELINE: ~INTRODUCTION~---timeline---related pages---site navigation
I'm working on making this a very detailed timeline, giving all of Alma's trips that we know of - from weekend jaunts to the two-year stay in India, which, of course should include exploring India and Sri Lanka and also seeing various other countries on the way to India and on the way home. And I'll still miss innumerable trips.
I plan to do timelines for all 12 major characters (5 siblings, 2 parents, and 5 spouses) on this website and maybe more, and then take the important events and put them together for an overview timeline. So far I've done just Will, Alma, Fred, and Laura.
I plan to do timelines for all 12 major characters (5 siblings, 2 parents, and 5 spouses) on this website and maybe more, and then take the important events and put them together for an overview timeline. So far I've done just Will, Alma, Fred, and Laura.
ALMA'S TIMELINE: ---introduction---~TIMELINE~---related pages---site navigation
- June 17: Alma Gracey Stokey is born at 1:30 pm at the southeast corner of Poplar + Wade Streets, Canton, Ohio. Papa Charles reports: "Clear, cool day."
- Alma graduates from Canton High School
- Alma teaches at Canton High School (Dates may not be completely correct.)
- Alma apparently visits Oberlin College with her friend Lily Love.
- Alma is at Oberlin college for her freshman year
- Alma teaches at Canton High School, saving money for more time at Oberlin
- Alma returns to Oberlin
- June: Alma visits her friend Sara Grant Laird in Ashtabula, Ohio.
- July: Alma gets a part-time lab job at Oberlin.
- August: Alma visits her friend Mabel Watson in New Jersey.
- June: Alma's official graduation from Oberlin, with classwork not yet completed due to the lab job.
- September: Alma helps her mother, Fred, and Eva move from Canton to Oberlin.
- Alma finishes her classwork at Oberlin, and starts working on her PhD at the University of Chicago.
- August: Alma, Will, Fred, and Eva go on a camping trip.
- June: Alma gets her PhD from the University of Chicago, and is hired as an instructor at Mount Holyoke College.
- Summer: Alma rents a house on Cape Cod in Truro, Massachusetts for the family.
- Summer: Alma goes to England for a science conference, and gets some unexpected recognition for her work.
- March: Alma has a party in Massachusetts to celebrate Will's wedding in California.
- Spring: Alma helps to organize the local Oberlin alumni organization.
- Summer: Alma is in Woods Hole doing research.
- Summer: Alma and her mother go to California. Alma attends a science conference, and both Mama Margaret and Alma got to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Also they visit Provines relatives.
- August 27: Alma visits the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis on the way home from California.
- Christmas vacation: Alma visits Mabel and Lil in Philadelphia, and then goes to Columbus, Ohio, with Anne Starr for the founding of the American Ecological Society.
- Alma gets tenure at Mount Holyoke College.
- April: Alma and Fred attend an Oberlin reunion in Boston, along with Anne Starr.
- Summer: Alma is in Woods Hole, and also keeping an eye on newly widowed Fred in Boston.
- Christmas: Alma celebrates with her mother, all four of her siblings, her sister-in-law Kathleen, and her niece and nephew, at Will's and Kathleen's home in Cincinnati.
- Alma buys land for a cottage in Woods Hole
- Alma has a cottage built on her land in Woods Hole
- Will visits Alma while the cottage is being built, and also helps her find lycopedia in the South Hadley area.
- The first full summer at the cottage in Woods Hole.
- May: Alma's mother dies, and Alma goes to Canton, Ohio for the funeral.
- August: Alma goes to Ontario with Anne Starr on a botanical excursion.
- January: Alma goes to Washington DC for a meeting of the American council on education.
- April: Alma, Eva, Mabel Watson, and Lily Love spend a few days in Atlantic City, New Jersy.
- Another summer in Woods Hole
- Alma and Eva go to Europe for the summer.
- Alma's friend Anne Starr dies. Alma is the administrator of Anne's estate.
- Alma spends the summer in Woods Hole.
- Alma goes to India for her two-year stint at Women's Christian College in Madras.
- Alma comes home from India.
- Alma spends Christmas in Philadelphia.
- August: Alma rents out Fernbank, and Alma and Eva go on a road trip to western Pennsylvania (to see Provines relatives) and Ohio (to see more Provines relatives and also Laura).
- Summer at Fernbank.
- Alma retires.
- Alma teaches at Smith for a year.
- Summer at Fernbank.
- Major improvements at Fernbank. (This may be 1945, not 1946.)
- January: Alma breaks her arm after falling on the ice. Full recovery.
- Summer at Fernbank.
- Alma goes to Jamaica for the botany. Not her first visit; the other one was probably sometime in the 1950s. For all I know she went to Jamaica again, but I don't know.
- Alma gets an honorary doctorate from Oberlin.
- Alma travels around the world with Gladys Green.
- Spring: Alma visits Eva in Atlanta, and visits Hicks cousins (related via Mama Margaret) in Charlotte, North Carolina, on the way home.
- Christmas in Wayland, Massachusetts with her nephew Roger and his family.
- Alma spends the winter in Hawaii with Geoffroy and Lenette Atkinson and with Clara Jones.
- Alma goes with Eva to her 60th college reunion at Oberlin.
- Alma has a stroke (I'm not sure about the year)
- March 18: Alma dies.
ALMA'S TIMELINE: ---introduction---timeline---~RELATED PAGES~---site navigation
ALMA'S TIMELINE: ---introduction---timeline---related pages---~SITE NAVIGATION~