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Alma, Lenette and Geoffroy Atkinson, and Clara Jones are driving across the country from Massachusetts to get to San Francisco to take a freighter ship to Hawaii. With a detour through Texas.
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8am Monday Jan. 5th 1959
Dear Eva:
This is where we spent the night. We have had breakfast and will start off soon, hoping to find warmer weather. It has been cold and the back seat where Clara and I ride does not get much heat...We are approaching Anson where we shall take a route to El Paso. We left our route, worked out by the AAA, at Oklahoma City, yesterday, to go south to avoid the storms in the Panhandle of Texas. We haven't seen any snow since we left Wichita Falls this morning. Until then we had had snowy fields and roadsides, but all the roads were clear and driving was good. Today we have seen cotton fields, but don't think that means we are warm - just warmer or less cold than we have been. I can write in the car until my hands get cold and then I stop and warm them. We are making good time and getting over the ground - 400 miles yesterday with Lenette doing all the driving, but the unpacking at night and packing up in the morning is cold work. Lenette and Clara do it, Geoffroy can't carry or lift and I can't reach.
We don't know the name of the freighter on which we are to travel, but it is the Hawaiian Textron Line (not the Matson as I hoped), sailing from San Francisco Jan. 13 - we don't know at what hour. We have to be in by the 12th to arrange about storing the car. It is a large 4-door station wagon - a Ford Ranchwagon, - with a great deal of luggage space.
I had a nice visit in Centralia, Wed noon, until Friday none. I think I wrote that Edwin met me in Vandalia and we had lunch with Geoffroy + Lenette before they started on to St. Louis. The delay in our trip was good for the Centralia visit as it came in the holidays - over New Year's day - and Evelyn was at home. Her mother, Mrs. Russell and Julia were there. We looked at TV on New Year's Day and saw the game in the Rosebowl and the parade. Now that is done and I never need to do it again.
I had a nice time at Margaret Golterman's. Edwin + Julia took me over - it would have been a difficult trip by bus. We had lunch on the day I arrived at 2:30. Ed, Dorothy and the children - Gail + Ed, came in that evening - nice children, well behaved. You probably (?) have heard that Ann had her baby, a girl, Margaret Louise for the two grandmothers, Dec. 26. Margaret is going to Dallas in several weeks.
Ed came and took me to Beryl's, to start Sat. AM, a great help - not a long distance by private car but a good deal for a taxi. Also he took me to see their house and I liked that - also the grounds behind them with lots of oak trees.
We have had lunch and it is time to go on.
Dear Eva:
This is where we spent the night. We have had breakfast and will start off soon, hoping to find warmer weather. It has been cold and the back seat where Clara and I ride does not get much heat...We are approaching Anson where we shall take a route to El Paso. We left our route, worked out by the AAA, at Oklahoma City, yesterday, to go south to avoid the storms in the Panhandle of Texas. We haven't seen any snow since we left Wichita Falls this morning. Until then we had had snowy fields and roadsides, but all the roads were clear and driving was good. Today we have seen cotton fields, but don't think that means we are warm - just warmer or less cold than we have been. I can write in the car until my hands get cold and then I stop and warm them. We are making good time and getting over the ground - 400 miles yesterday with Lenette doing all the driving, but the unpacking at night and packing up in the morning is cold work. Lenette and Clara do it, Geoffroy can't carry or lift and I can't reach.
We don't know the name of the freighter on which we are to travel, but it is the Hawaiian Textron Line (not the Matson as I hoped), sailing from San Francisco Jan. 13 - we don't know at what hour. We have to be in by the 12th to arrange about storing the car. It is a large 4-door station wagon - a Ford Ranchwagon, - with a great deal of luggage space.
I had a nice visit in Centralia, Wed noon, until Friday none. I think I wrote that Edwin met me in Vandalia and we had lunch with Geoffroy + Lenette before they started on to St. Louis. The delay in our trip was good for the Centralia visit as it came in the holidays - over New Year's day - and Evelyn was at home. Her mother, Mrs. Russell and Julia were there. We looked at TV on New Year's Day and saw the game in the Rosebowl and the parade. Now that is done and I never need to do it again.
I had a nice time at Margaret Golterman's. Edwin + Julia took me over - it would have been a difficult trip by bus. We had lunch on the day I arrived at 2:30. Ed, Dorothy and the children - Gail + Ed, came in that evening - nice children, well behaved. You probably (?) have heard that Ann had her baby, a girl, Margaret Louise for the two grandmothers, Dec. 26. Margaret is going to Dallas in several weeks.
Ed came and took me to Beryl's, to start Sat. AM, a great help - not a long distance by private car but a good deal for a taxi. Also he took me to see their house and I liked that - also the grounds behind them with lots of oak trees.
We have had lunch and it is time to go on.
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I googled the Triple D Motel, and found that it is closed, but couldn't find much of anything more about it.
I think I wrote that Edwin met me in Vandalia and we had lunch with Geoffroy + Lenette before they started on to St. Louis.
I don't know who Edwin, Evelyn, Mrs. Russell, and Julia are. Maybe someday.
I had a nice time at Margaret Golterman's.
The Goltermanns were cousins of Gladys Green's, so I have added this to Glady's list of documents.
I googled the Triple D Motel, and found that it is closed, but couldn't find much of anything more about it.
I think I wrote that Edwin met me in Vandalia and we had lunch with Geoffroy + Lenette before they started on to St. Louis.
I don't know who Edwin, Evelyn, Mrs. Russell, and Julia are. Maybe someday.
I had a nice time at Margaret Golterman's.
The Goltermanns were cousins of Gladys Green's, so I have added this to Glady's list of documents.
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- ALMA: DOCUMENTS ----- Outgoing
- EVA: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- NON-FAMILY: SOUTH HADLEY FOLKS ----- Lenette Atkinson
- NON-FAMILY: GLADYS GREEN AND ERNA REICHMANN ----- Glady's Goltermann cousins
(none at the moment)
(none at the moment)
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