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Fred and Sibyl are happily planning for life as a medical missionary couple in Angola.
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[Top left corner]
I think I never sent this letter. Put your initials on the [illegible] you have seen. AGS.
Noted WPS
Me too K.F.S.
[And at the end of the page:]
Noted WPS
Me too KFS
[and on to Fred's letter.]
Dondi July 29, 1927
Dear Alma:
I have just been busy getting an order sent off for housekeeping supplies so we Sibyl and I can get married before Christmas. The Mission has been surprised by the announcement of two engagements within a month - both affecting Dondi men. Ralph Wilson + Miss DeMorais have also come into line. Miss DeM is at Chilesso now.
There will be a “housing problem” at Dondi soon. There is a foundation laid for a new residence and I have staked out a lot for a permanent residence nearer the hospital site.
I am asking Mr. Bell to do some shopping for us in London. He sails on Aug. 1 I have gotten a kitchen stove and dining room table out here and some furniture but there has been quite a run on the available stores. We can manage it all right until furlough time. This will probably be a little later than the normal time for mine but not likely more than six months later when her furlough would be due. The women’s board count the time in Portugal on the first term. It is likely that we would get back to America in the fall of 1928. If it is cold we would want to go south for the winter and then to Canada in the summer for part of the time.
I will enclose some more snapshots from various cameras. You would scarcely believe from the pictures that she has a shingle bob.
Since sending the first pictures of my playmates I have been looking forward to the family comments.
While at Galangue this week I was told of Mrs. Coles’ conversion or conviction. Mrs. McDowell had spent a month with Sibyl in Lisbon and on her return to Galangue had described her to Mrs. Coles. Finally Mrs. C. said “I don’t believe anybody can be as nice as you say she is.” When she had returned from Galangue last March after our “party” there, Mrs. Coles said to Mrs. McDowell, “She is really just as you said.”
We are due in Galangue again in November. This time Mrs. McDowell is giving the “party”. They have two boys already and are hoping for a girl. We have been much in demand for confinements thruout the mission and I have just gotten back from a case in another mission - S.A.G.M. about 275 miles to the south of Dondi.
With love,
I think I never sent this letter. Put your initials on the [illegible] you have seen. AGS.
Noted WPS
Me too K.F.S.
[And at the end of the page:]
Noted WPS
Me too KFS
[and on to Fred's letter.]
Dondi July 29, 1927
Dear Alma:
I have just been busy getting an order sent off for housekeeping supplies so we Sibyl and I can get married before Christmas. The Mission has been surprised by the announcement of two engagements within a month - both affecting Dondi men. Ralph Wilson + Miss DeMorais have also come into line. Miss DeM is at Chilesso now.
There will be a “housing problem” at Dondi soon. There is a foundation laid for a new residence and I have staked out a lot for a permanent residence nearer the hospital site.
I am asking Mr. Bell to do some shopping for us in London. He sails on Aug. 1 I have gotten a kitchen stove and dining room table out here and some furniture but there has been quite a run on the available stores. We can manage it all right until furlough time. This will probably be a little later than the normal time for mine but not likely more than six months later when her furlough would be due. The women’s board count the time in Portugal on the first term. It is likely that we would get back to America in the fall of 1928. If it is cold we would want to go south for the winter and then to Canada in the summer for part of the time.
I will enclose some more snapshots from various cameras. You would scarcely believe from the pictures that she has a shingle bob.
Since sending the first pictures of my playmates I have been looking forward to the family comments.
While at Galangue this week I was told of Mrs. Coles’ conversion or conviction. Mrs. McDowell had spent a month with Sibyl in Lisbon and on her return to Galangue had described her to Mrs. Coles. Finally Mrs. C. said “I don’t believe anybody can be as nice as you say she is.” When she had returned from Galangue last March after our “party” there, Mrs. Coles said to Mrs. McDowell, “She is really just as you said.”
We are due in Galangue again in November. This time Mrs. McDowell is giving the “party”. They have two boys already and are hoping for a girl. We have been much in demand for confinements thruout the mission and I have just gotten back from a case in another mission - S.A.G.M. about 275 miles to the south of Dondi.
With love,
audio---images---comment---transcript---~NOTES~---links---site navigation
Noted WPS
Me too K.F.S.
All the siblings and the sibling-in-law have seen this letter: Alma sent it on, and WPS (Will), KFS (Kathleen), L (Laura), and Eva (ESE) have read it.
Ralph Wilson + Miss DeMorais have also come into line.
Ralph Wilson and Amelia DeMorais, fellow missionaries, were married with none of the issues that the Mission Board gave Fred and Sibyl.
I am asking Mr. Bell to do some shopping for us in London.
I don't have anything much noted down for Mr. Bell.
While at Galangue this week I was told of Mrs. Coles’ conversion or conviction.
I don't have anything much noted down for Mr. and Mrs. Coles, either.
Mrs. McDowell had spent a month with Sibyl in Lisbon and on her return to Galangue had described her to Mrs. Coles.
I have a page for the McDowells on this website.
S.A.G.M. about 275 miles to the south of Dondi.
I haven't bothered to figure out exact what and where SAGM is.
Noted WPS
Me too K.F.S.
All the siblings and the sibling-in-law have seen this letter: Alma sent it on, and WPS (Will), KFS (Kathleen), L (Laura), and Eva (ESE) have read it.
Ralph Wilson + Miss DeMorais have also come into line.
Ralph Wilson and Amelia DeMorais, fellow missionaries, were married with none of the issues that the Mission Board gave Fred and Sibyl.
I am asking Mr. Bell to do some shopping for us in London.
I don't have anything much noted down for Mr. Bell.
While at Galangue this week I was told of Mrs. Coles’ conversion or conviction.
I don't have anything much noted down for Mr. and Mrs. Coles, either.
Mrs. McDowell had spent a month with Sibyl in Lisbon and on her return to Galangue had described her to Mrs. Coles.
I have a page for the McDowells on this website.
S.A.G.M. about 275 miles to the south of Dondi.
I haven't bothered to figure out exact what and where SAGM is.
audio---images---comment---transcript---notes---~LINKS~---site navigation
- WILL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- ALMA: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- FRED: DOCUMENTS ----- Outgoing
- LAURA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- EVA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- SIBYL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- NON-FAMILY: MISSION FOLKS ----- Ralph Wilson, Amelia de Mornais, Mr. Bell, Mrs. Coles
- NON-FAMILY: THE McDOWELLS ----- Bessie McDowell
(none at the moment)
(none at the moment)
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