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Nothing earthshaking, just a nice letter from Mama Margaret.
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Sunday night
April 18th
My dear Will,
You are a dear, good boy. I was just thinking that I hoped you would have a wife some day that would love and appreciate you like your family do. You know I want you all to get married and be happy.
Fred has made a good choice. Of all the girls I know I can’t think of any one I would prefer or I think would make a better wife than Mabel. She is so sensible and can do so many things and does so many many thoughtful things for others. I know you would like her. We all do. I hope you will find one just as good, and don’t put it off too long.
Just think it is four weeks tomorrow since I came, and now that we have so much money - many thanks to you - I will stay three or four weeks longer. I have a good deal of sewing to do yet.
Laura graduates the 1st of June from the Osteopath College. Fred wrote that he was going to invite her to Battle Creek to make a visit and have a rest before she begins practising her profession.
Eva and I went to the Metropolitan Museum. We spent about an hour and a half looked at pictures most of the time. I enjoyed it very much. Hope to go again sometime for there is so much to be seen. The weather is very pleasant. The grass is green in the park and the birds are coming out on the trees.
I thank you very much for the money. I suppose you meant some of it for the piano, but Eva said she wrote that it would be better to rent one, so she and Mabel thought. Eva has a very good one rented. It has a good tone.
I hope you will enjoy yourself among the people of the South land. When will you get a vacation?
I must now close as it is about bedtime. I heard Dr. Torry preach tonight. He is fine.
Many thanks and much love
from Mother
Address 318 not 57
April 18th
My dear Will,
You are a dear, good boy. I was just thinking that I hoped you would have a wife some day that would love and appreciate you like your family do. You know I want you all to get married and be happy.
Fred has made a good choice. Of all the girls I know I can’t think of any one I would prefer or I think would make a better wife than Mabel. She is so sensible and can do so many things and does so many many thoughtful things for others. I know you would like her. We all do. I hope you will find one just as good, and don’t put it off too long.
Just think it is four weeks tomorrow since I came, and now that we have so much money - many thanks to you - I will stay three or four weeks longer. I have a good deal of sewing to do yet.
Laura graduates the 1st of June from the Osteopath College. Fred wrote that he was going to invite her to Battle Creek to make a visit and have a rest before she begins practising her profession.
Eva and I went to the Metropolitan Museum. We spent about an hour and a half looked at pictures most of the time. I enjoyed it very much. Hope to go again sometime for there is so much to be seen. The weather is very pleasant. The grass is green in the park and the birds are coming out on the trees.
I thank you very much for the money. I suppose you meant some of it for the piano, but Eva said she wrote that it would be better to rent one, so she and Mabel thought. Eva has a very good one rented. It has a good tone.
I hope you will enjoy yourself among the people of the South land. When will you get a vacation?
I must now close as it is about bedtime. I heard Dr. Torry preach tonight. He is fine.
Many thanks and much love
from Mother
Address 318 not 57
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About the envelope:
The letter was forwarded to Fort Screven. I found online, at www.georgiahistory.com/ghmi_marker_updated/fort-screven/ the text for a marker for Fort Screven, which I thought gave a clearer explanation than Wikipedia:
The Legislature of Georgia in 1786 passed a law providing for a fort on Cockspur or Tybee Island to be named in honor of General James Screven, Revolutionary War hero. It was never built by the state. In 1808 the Federal government obtained jurisdiction over the property on Tybee Island now known as Fort Screven Reservation. Actual title was acquired in 1875 and the post, established in 1898, was in continuous use from the Spanish-American War through both World Wars. Primarily a Coast Artillery fort, at one time Fort Fremont in South Carolina was under its jurisdiction. It became an Infantry post and finally a school for deep-sea diving. Many distinguished officers saw duty here, including General George C. Marshall as colonel in command. In 1945 Fort Screven was declared surplus by the War Department and acquired by town of Savannah Beach.
Fred has made a good choice. Of all the girls I know I can’t think of any one I would prefer or I think would make a better wife than Mabel. She is so sensible and can do so many things and does so many many thoughtful things for others. I know you would like her. We all do.
It sounds as though Fred has just gotten engaged to Mabel Woodside.
Laura graduates the 1st of June from the Osteopath College.
Here's a newspaper account of the graduation:
I thank you very much for the money. I suppose you meant some of it for the piano, but Eva said she wrote that it would be better to rent one, so she and Mabel thought. Eva has a very good one rented. It has a good tone.
This Mabel must be Alma's friend Mabel Watson, who is included in a non-family website for Mabel, Lil, Steenie, and Orestes. Wikipedia says:
She initially maintained studios in New York City and Philadelphia, but eventually closed the New York City studio and focused on her work in Philadelphia.
I heard Dr. Torry preach tonight. He is fine.
This might well be R.A Torrey, about whom Wikipedia says:
Reuben Archer Torrey (28 January 1856 – 26 October 1928) was an American evangelist, Congregational pastor, educator, and writer. He aligned with Keswick theology.
About the envelope:
The letter was forwarded to Fort Screven. I found online, at www.georgiahistory.com/ghmi_marker_updated/fort-screven/ the text for a marker for Fort Screven, which I thought gave a clearer explanation than Wikipedia:
The Legislature of Georgia in 1786 passed a law providing for a fort on Cockspur or Tybee Island to be named in honor of General James Screven, Revolutionary War hero. It was never built by the state. In 1808 the Federal government obtained jurisdiction over the property on Tybee Island now known as Fort Screven Reservation. Actual title was acquired in 1875 and the post, established in 1898, was in continuous use from the Spanish-American War through both World Wars. Primarily a Coast Artillery fort, at one time Fort Fremont in South Carolina was under its jurisdiction. It became an Infantry post and finally a school for deep-sea diving. Many distinguished officers saw duty here, including General George C. Marshall as colonel in command. In 1945 Fort Screven was declared surplus by the War Department and acquired by town of Savannah Beach.
Fred has made a good choice. Of all the girls I know I can’t think of any one I would prefer or I think would make a better wife than Mabel. She is so sensible and can do so many things and does so many many thoughtful things for others. I know you would like her. We all do.
It sounds as though Fred has just gotten engaged to Mabel Woodside.
Laura graduates the 1st of June from the Osteopath College.
Here's a newspaper account of the graduation:
I thank you very much for the money. I suppose you meant some of it for the piano, but Eva said she wrote that it would be better to rent one, so she and Mabel thought. Eva has a very good one rented. It has a good tone.
This Mabel must be Alma's friend Mabel Watson, who is included in a non-family website for Mabel, Lil, Steenie, and Orestes. Wikipedia says:
She initially maintained studios in New York City and Philadelphia, but eventually closed the New York City studio and focused on her work in Philadelphia.
I heard Dr. Torry preach tonight. He is fine.
This might well be R.A Torrey, about whom Wikipedia says:
Reuben Archer Torrey (28 January 1856 – 26 October 1928) was an American evangelist, Congregational pastor, educator, and writer. He aligned with Keswick theology.
audio---images---comment---transcript---notes---~LINKS~---site navigation
- WILL: DOCUMENTS ----- Incoming
- FRED: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- LAURA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- EVA: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
- MABEL: DOCUMENTS ----- Related
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